“There’s just no way we would have been able to grow the business so fast without PHPRreaction..”
Les Artizans d’Azure is a team of skilled craftsmen specializing in creating medieval armor and weaponry.
The challenges:
- invoicing at retail and to distributors, both on site and online
- Managing a constantly growing team involving scheduling, coordination on special projects and payroll
- Managing several projects at different stages simultaneously (progress through the production process, special orders, production of corporate videos and business development, to name only a few tasks)
- Managing hundreds of distinct products, parts or finished goods without losing the focus on inventory control
- Managing supplier relationships and purchasing
The results:
I’m extremely satisfied, not only with the tools but also with the support we have received. I think it’s fair to say that I’m a fan! PHPReaction has enabled us to organize the business into a coherent whole thanks to the modular structure. Team members know what they have to do and when they’re expected to do it. The system is easy to use and intuitive. Artisans d’Azure wouldn’t be what it is and where it is without PHPReaction!
Don’t hesitate to use us as a reference, it will be my pleasure to attest to the quality of this product!
Samuel Gagnon Tremblay – Les Artizans d’Azure