PHPR401 – PHPReaction configurations: Access all the functions you dream of (Advanced training)


If you are an advanced user of the PHPReaction platform and want to take it to the next level by customizing its use, this training is for you!


Our training helps companies that own the PHPReaction platform to deepen their configuration management in order to take advantage of all the advantages provided by the platform. You will learn types, options and data. You will see how to increase the precision of actions, reduce the associated risks, change types and options, configure the system in a personalized way and many other things. phpreaction configurations: access all the functions you dream of (advanced training)


This training is intended for system users who wish to deepen their understanding of the PHPReaction platform (customization and management) and the links between configuration parameters and the risks associated with their misuse.

“With great power, comes great responsibility”, famous phrase pronounced by the uncle of Peter Parker (Spider-Man).

Training objectives

When a user engages in the creation or modification of certain data, most of it (eg products) is associated with a “type” or an “option”. Both “types” and “options” can be customized by the system administrator. The purpose of this training is therefore to enable the administrator to adequately manage the various options of the system, that is to say:

  • Identify the interactions and impacts between the different configuration parameters and their impact on the daily experience of all system users.

Another type of configurations are current and future users of the PHPReaction platform. This part of the training is therefore intended to familiarize the system administrator with the various parameters, as well as the impacts that these can have on the daily use of the platform.


Training and practical exercises: 24h

Training approach

The System Administrator training will be given on demand via a live webinar or at your premises, when it is possible to do so, and will be grouped under several major detailed themes:


1- Definition of a “type”

2- Definition of an “option”

3- How are they associated with the data?

4- How can they affect the data?

5- Where can these “types” and “options” be modified?

6- Associated risks

7- How to modify the “types” and the “options”?

8- Specific system configurations

9- Saved parameters

10- Multi-tenancy / Multi-company

11- Configuration of print visuals

12- Configuring email content

13- Beacon configuration

14- User configurations

15- Configuring access rights


    1. Types, options and data

Identification of types (e.g. sales line); identification of options (eg product option); association of a type or an option to a data; association of a cost with an option; filtering data by type; grouping of identical data (types/options) between them; changing types and options.


  1. Specification of actions and associated risks

Cascading deletion; too general titles; classification by name (example: massive data loss due to deletion of a type of sale, misreading of the instructions or confusion (ex.: the administrator assigns a name that is not very indicative to a type. Consequence: the users are confused and make classification errors in relation to the data they are handling).


  1. Changing Types and Options

Use of the small flag in the list


  1. System-Specific Configuration Parameters
The system has hundreds of specific configurations. It is possible to familiarize yourself only with the regularly used parameters.


  1. Saved settings

We’ll see what a “KVS” saved parameter (key value store) is and cover various topics, such as the unique key (which corresponds to a value), the default value of forms and generators, the default filter as well as system-specific configuration settings. Note: It is possible to use “saved settings” in certain contexts or depending on the user.


  1. Multi-tenancy / Multi-company

We will cover company setup and saved settings for each company.


  1. Configuring print visuals

We will see how to create and modify different print visuals and learn about the risks associated with it.


  1. Configuring email content

We will see how to generate content for sending emails. We will also cover the modification of content and the contexts in which it is used.


  1. Configuring tags

We will provide a reminder concerning the definition, creation and modification of a tag. The objective of this exercise is to learn how to create groups and subgroups that are easy to filter.


  1. Configuring users

Users can take advantage of a host of system-specific configuration settings. The most popular – and widely used – is authentication. Access to the application requires the creation of a username and password.


  1. Configuration of access rights

We will see how to configure the access rights, that is to say, for example, how to allow Ghyslaine to have access to the list of products only, but to allow Robert to have access to the list of sales and to the creation of these. The PHPReaction application contains several thousand access rights; it is therefore important to know what

Lesson Plan

1- Definition of a “type”

  • E.g. type of sales line

Definition of an “option”

  • e.g. product option

How are they associated with data?

  • Association of a type or an option to a data
  • Associating a cost with an option
  • e.g. product option
  • Filtering data by type

How can they affect the data?

  • Grouping of data (types / options) identical to each other
  • E.g.: products with the “fat-free” option can be grouped together. To do this, you must go to the corresponding product option.

Where can these “types” and “options” be changed?

  • Mainly in the list which has a small flag

Associated risks

  • Cascading deletion
    • E.g. Massive data loss due to deleting a sale type or misreading the instructions.
  • Confusion
    • E.g.: the administrator assigns a name that is not very indicative to a type. Consequence: users are confused and make classification errors in relation to the data they are handling.

How to modify the “types” and the “options”?

Use of the small flag in the list


2- Specific system configurations


Saved settings

  • Definition of a saved parameter “KVS” (key value store)
    • A unique key corresponds to a value
  • Use :
    • Default value (for forms and builders)
      • E.g.: the production cost of a default product
    • Default filter
    • Priority order of application of default values ​​(Parameterized query => KVS => App)
    • Specific configurations
    • Ex.: activation of the virtual signature
    • E.g.: management of equipment wear and tear

Multi-tenancy / Multi-company

  • Company Setup
  • Parameters saved for each company

Configuring print visuals

  • Creation of print visuals
  • Editing print visuals
  • Associated risks
  • Ex.: no longer being able to visualize the impression of a product, a sale, etc.

Configuring email content

  • Managing Content Using Context Variables
  • Contextual selection criteria

Configuring tags

  • Reminder: definition of a tag
  • Create or modify a tag

3- User configurations


Configuration of access rights

  • Introduction to terminology
  • Understanding BOM
  • Use the search function
  • Ex.: allow Ghyslaine to have access to the list of products only, but allow Robert to have access to the list of sales and the creation of these.

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