
Setting up

Automated auxiliaries bring a lot of value to companies that learn to use them properly. Once the auxiliaries have been configured, it is important to carry out a rigorous check. This verification will confirm that the configuration of the auxiliaries has been carried out without error.

The 3 steps

It is essential to carry out such a check since a configuration error can lead to countless subsequent errors. To do this, it will be necessary to proceed methodically by following the following 3 steps:

1 ) Possible cases

The first step aims to define all the possible cases that may arise in a company. For example: sending an invoice, modifying an invoice, entering a payment, paying an invoice, etc.

2 ) The expected results of the cases

Then, it will be necessary to define the expected results for each case. For example, it will be necessary to determine if it is an accountable case and the account in which it will have to be recorded.

3 ) The actual results

At this stage, it is sufficient to verify that the expected results match the actual results. If the results do not match, an error has occurred.

The PHPReaction Checklist

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