Industries covered by PHPReaction

Each sector is unique

There are about twenty sectors of activity recognized by the government. Whether it’s construction, professional services, or retail, each industry requires a unique approach. PHPReaction offers its customers tailor-made solutions for most industries.

Each sector is unique

There are about twenty sectors of activity recognized by the government. Whether it’s construction, professional services, or retail, each industry requires a unique approach. PHPReaction offers its customers tailor-made solutions for most industries.

The 4 main sectors that PHPReaction regularly works with

The 4 main sectors that PHPReaction regularly works with

Sector 1: Retail businesses

Retail businesses are businesses that sell goods directly to consumers; whether it is a property sold as is or which has undergone a minor transformation. Retail businesses include businesses that have physical location(s) as well as online merchants.

Retail businesses are at the very end of the distribution chain since they sell goods to the general public.

Sector 1: Retail businesses

Retail businesses are businesses that sell goods directly to consumers; whether it is a property sold as is or which has undergone a minor transformation. Retail businesses include businesses that have physical location(s) as well as online merchants.

Retail businesses are at the very end of the distribution chain since they sell goods to the general public.

Examples of Retail Businesses

Retail businesses are plentiful. PHPReaction has developed a diverse client base for this industry:

  • Bookstores
  • boat dealers
  • Sporting Goods Retailers
  • Clothing stores
  • etc


PHPReaction and Retail

Retail businesses trust PHPReaction for many facets of their operations. Here are some examples :


Improve inventory management | Inventory taking, follow-ups, entries, exits, and more.

Inventory management is one of the biggest challenges faced by retail businesses. It is for this reason that the PHPReaction software includes a module specially designed to help retail businesses manage their inventory. Keeping a permanent inventory and knowing the level of your inventory at all times has never been easier!

Recommended software: Inventory management


Refine procurement cycles | Precise supply according to budgets.

The PHPReaction software allows the implementation of a permanent inventory process. Companies that use it can quickly see available inventory in real time. Thanks to the tools of the PHPReaction software, companies manage to systematically source their supplies at the right time; thus avoiding stock shortages or surpluses.

Recommended software: Purchasing Management



Analyze the profitability of operations | Expenses, fixed costs, cost of goods, and more.

PHPReaction software was developed to meet the needs of local businesses. It is for this reason that we have specially designed the accounting module. Thanks to it, companies can analyze their expenses, the cost of their goods, the salaries of their employees as well as their fixed costs (electricity, internet, etc.) in order to determine the profitability of their operations.

Recommended software: Accounting Management

Examples of Retail Businesses

Retail businesses are plentiful. PHPReaction has developed a diverse client base for this industry:

  • Bookstores
  • boat dealers
  • Sporting Goods Retailers
  • Clothing stores
  • etc

PHPReaction and Retail

Retail businesses trust PHPReaction for many facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Improve inventory management | Inventory taking, follow-ups, entries, exits, and more.

Inventory management is one of the biggest challenges faced by retail businesses. It is for this reason that the PHPReaction software includes a module specially designed to help retail businesses manage their inventory. Keeping a permanent inventory and knowing the level of your inventory at all times has never been easier!

Recommended software: Inventory management

Refine procurement cycles | Precise supply according to budgets.

The PHPReaction software allows the implementation of a permanent inventory process. Companies that use it can quickly see available inventory in real time. Thanks to the tools of the PHPReaction software, companies manage to systematically source their supplies at the right time; thus avoiding stock shortages or surpluses.

Recommended software: Purchasing Management

Analyze the profitability of operations | Expenses, fixed costs, cost of goods, and more.

PHPReaction software was developed to meet the needs of local businesses. It is for this reason that we have specially designed the accounting module. Thanks to it, companies can analyze their expenses, the cost of their goods, the salaries of their employees as well as their fixed costs (electricity, internet, etc.) in order to determine the profitability of their operations.

Recommended software: Accounting Management

Sector 2: Wholesalers

Wholesalers (or wholesalers) are companies that operate at the center of the distribution process. In short, they are busy building bridges between manufacturers and traders. Wholesalers buy goods exclusively from companies or professional buyers. These companies sell the goods in bulk to merchants in their distribution chain. They hardly ever sell to individuals.


Unlike retail businesses, wholesalers buy large quantities of goods from manufacturers. These goods are then stored in large commercial spaces before being delivered to traders.

Sector 2: Wholesalers

Wholesalers (or wholesalers) are companies that operate at the center of the distribution process. In short, they are busy building bridges between manufacturers and traders. Wholesalers buy goods exclusively from companies or professional buyers. These companies sell the goods in bulk to merchants in their distribution chain. They hardly ever sell to individuals.

Unlike retail businesses, wholesalers buy large quantities of goods from manufacturers. These goods are then stored in large commercial spaces before being delivered to traders.

Example of wholesalers

Wholesalers are numerous and their operations are varied. PHPReaction has developed a diverse client base for this industry:

  • Wholesalers of agricultural products
  • Petroleum Product Wholesalers
  • Household products wholesalers
  • Assembly Parts Wholesalers
  • Building materials wholesalers
  • etc

PHPReaction and wholesalers

Wholesalers trust PHPReaction for many facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Manage a large volume of transactions with ease.

The sales management module can be integrated with the PHPReaction software to facilitate the management of orders and sales in large quantities.

Recommended software: Sales Management

Keep up to date with inventory entries and exits.

The inventory management module of the PHPReaction software has been specially designed for permanent inventories. Thanks to the contribution of the software, companies can access inventory entries and exits in real time and automatically. No more oversights!

Recommended software: Inventory management

Increase the quality of monitoring and improve traceability processes.

Shipment traceability is particularly important for wholesalers since they ship batches of goods across the country, or even the world. Thanks to the inventory management module of the PHPReaction software, companies manage to develop unique traceability processes for each lot sold and shipped.

Recommended software: Batch Inventory Management

Example of wholesalers

Wholesalers are numerous and their operations are varied. PHPReaction has developed a diverse client base for this industry:

  • Wholesalers of agricultural products
  • Petroleum Product Wholesalers
  • Household products wholesalers
  • Assembly Parts Wholesalers
  • Building materials wholesalers
  • etc

PHPReaction and wholesalers

Wholesalers trust PHPReaction for many facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Manage a large volume of transactions with ease.

The sales management module can be integrated with the PHPReaction software to facilitate the management of orders and sales in large quantities.

Recommended software: Sales Management

Keep up to date with inventory entries and exits.

The inventory management module of the PHPReaction software has been specially designed for permanent inventories. Thanks to the contribution of the software, companies can access inventory entries and exits in real time and automatically. No more oversights!

Recommended software: Inventory management

Increase the quality of monitoring and improve traceability processes.

Shipment traceability is particularly important for wholesalers since they ship batches of goods across the country, or even the world. Thanks to the inventory management module of the PHPReaction software, companies manage to develop unique traceability processes for each lot sold and shipped.

Recommended software: Batch Inventory Management

Sector 3: Professional services

Companies whose main activity is based on human capital are part of the professional services sector. In short, these companies offer their professional expertise in exchange for fees. The employees of these companies have specific skills that are put to use for the various client projects.

Sector 3: Professional services

Companies whose main activity is based on human capital are part of the professional services sector. In short, these companies offer their professional expertise in exchange for fees. The employees of these companies have specific skills that are put to use for the various client projects.

Example of professional services

Companies offering professional services are numerous in the country and their operations are varied. PHPReaction has developed a diverse clientele for this industry; mainly with consulting engineering firms. Here are some examples of companies offering professional services:

  • Legal services firms
  • web developers
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Accounting firms
  • Consulting engineering firms

PHPReaction and companies offering professional services

Companies that offer professional services trust PHPReaction for many facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Simplify the billing process

Companies that offer professional services accumulate an exorbitant number of monthly invoices. Thanks to the PHPReaction software and its accounting module, companies manage to invoice their fees in a simple and efficient way. Say goodbye to countless hours spent invoicing!

Recommended software: Sales Management

Improve project management

Companies that offer professional services are used to working on various projects at the same time. This reality forces service companies to adapt their approach to meet the needs of each client; which requires adequate management of ongoing projects. Thanks to the project management module of the PHPReaction software, companies are able to list the stages and priorities of each project, as well as the sum of the hours spent on each client.

Recommended software: Project Management

Improve the management of subcontractors

Service companies often do business with subcontractors. Thanks to PHPReaction software, companies manage to properly manage the hiring of subcontractors thanks to lists of criteria previously defined by project managers.

Recommended Software: Business Development / Applicant Management

Example of professional services

Companies offering professional services are numerous in the country and their operations are varied. PHPReaction has developed a diverse clientele for this industry; mainly with consulting engineering firms. Here are some examples of companies offering professional services:

  • Legal services firms
  • web developers
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Accounting firms
  • Consulting engineering firms

PHPReaction and companies offering professional services

Companies that offer professional services trust PHPReaction for many facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Simplify the billing process

Companies that offer professional services accumulate an exorbitant number of monthly invoices. Thanks to the PHPReaction software and its accounting module, companies manage to invoice their fees in a simple and efficient way. Say goodbye to countless hours spent invoicing!

Recommended software: Sales Management

Improve project management

Companies that offer professional services are used to working on various projects at the same time. This reality forces service companies to adapt their approach to meet the needs of each client; which requires adequate management of ongoing projects. Thanks to the project management module of the PHPReaction software, companies are able to list the stages and priorities of each project, as well as the sum of the hours spent on each client.

Recommended software: Project Management

Improve the management of subcontractors

Service companies often do business with subcontractors. Thanks to PHPReaction software, companies manage to properly manage the hiring of subcontractors thanks to lists of criteria previously defined by project managers.

Recommended Software: Business Development / Applicant Management

Sector 4: Construction

The construction sector includes companies whose main activity is the construction, repair or renovation of buildings; civil engineering, subdivision or land development. Within this sector, there are two main categories: buildings and civil engineering.

Sector 4: Construction

The construction sector includes companies whose main activity is the construction, repair or renovation of buildings; civil engineering, subdivision or land development. Within this sector, there are two main categories: buildings and civil engineering.

PHPReaction and companies in construction

Companies working in the construction sector trust PHPReaction for several facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Improve project management

The construction industry operates under strict standards. This is why project planning must be precise. Thanks to the PHPReaction software project management module, construction companies have access to essential management tools; from planning project stages to managing associated costs!

Recommended software: Project Management

Calculate the profitability of each project

Projects in the construction sector accumulate significant costs. The operating margin of companies can be affected by poor management of the various variables associated with project costs. Thanks to the PHPReaction software, construction companies manage to analyze their margins in order to maximize the profitability of each project.

Recommended software: Project Management: Project Reports

Improve inventory management

There are several types of stocks: safety stocks, seasonal stocks, operation supplies, etc. Every day, companies operating in the construction sector face the challenges of inventory management. It is therefore essential to have an inventory management software. The PHPReaction software inventory management module is a great resource for construction companies that want to improve their inventory management.

Recommended software: Inventory management

PHPReaction and companies in construction

Companies working in the construction sector trust PHPReaction for several facets of their operations. Here are some examples :

Improve project management

The construction industry operates under strict standards. This is why project planning must be precise. Thanks to the PHPReaction software project management module, construction companies have access to essential management tools; from planning project stages to managing associated costs!

Recommended software: Project Management

Calculate the profitability of each project

Projects in the construction sector accumulate significant costs. The operating margin of companies can be affected by poor management of the various variables associated with project costs. Thanks to the PHPReaction software, construction companies manage to analyze their margins in order to maximize the profitability of each project.

Recommended software: Project Management: Project Reports

Improve inventory management

There are several types of stocks: safety stocks, seasonal stocks, operation supplies, etc. Every day, companies operating in the construction sector face the challenges of inventory management. It is therefore essential to have an inventory management software. The PHPReaction software inventory management module is a great resource for construction companies that want to improve their inventory management.

Recommended software: Inventory management

Sectors not covered by PHPReaction

  • Educational services
  • Crown corporations / public administration
  • The catering sector

Sectors not covered by PHPReaction

  • Educational services
  • Crown corporations / public administration
  • The catering sector

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